Digital Writing

Why Every Marketer Should Start Writing Online.

Natasha Musa 4 min read
Why Every Marketer Should Start Writing Online.
Photo by Malte Helmhold / Unsplash

No one ever talks about how marketers can benefit from writing online.

Maybe it's because there are not many of us who do, and those who do, don't actively encourage other marketers to pick up digital writing. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting your career, embracing digital writing can open up new opportunities and enhance your personal brand, but more importantly, writing online is the best tool to strengthen your marketing experience.

Before I go any further, let me give you some background.

I have always been fascinated with how digital creators, specifically writers, develop content and engage to build an audience.

Successful digital writers like Pat Flynn, Justin Welsh and Dickie Bush have built a solid online presence through digital platforms by sharing their knowledge. As a marketer, I believe that there is much to learn from digital creators. So, a couple of years ago, I decided to invest in courses such as Content OS, Ship 30 for 30 and Build in Public Mastery to learn to be a better writer online. These courses teach students how to create content and build an audience.

I have been experimenting with digital writing through these courses and have learned a lot in the process.

I'm neither a consistent nor a popular writer on X. I write online more as a hobby, to experiment, and as part of my learning goals. From my experience, though, whether you commit to writing consistently or experiment with digital creation during your free time, you will find value in the effort.

Here are seven things I've personally learned from experimenting with digital writing:

#1 Strengthen an underrated skill.

When I first embarked on the journey of creating content online, I decided to go on Twitter (or X, whatever you fancy calling it these days) because my preferred method of communicating online is writing.

Writing is an underrated skill we use daily. As a marketer, I write and also review written work; from ads to press releases to speeches. When I first started writing on X, it had a 140-character limit. You have to know exactly what to say and say it in as few words as possible.

Writing on X taught me to be concise and exercise an extensive vocabulary to communicate my message.

David Perell says that "writing online is a superpower," and I agree.

Writing online has helped improve my writing. Marketer or not, as professionals we write every day, and writing is a superpower that can help us communicate effectively.

#2 Create data-driven content that engages the audience.

As marketers, we rely on data to maximise our marketing performance.

We analyse data, review engagements, impressions, and views, and course-correct our marketing campaigns where necessary.

Through digital writing, I learned how to gather data points beyond traditional analytics from my writing on X and used the learnings from the data collected to write topics that would continue to interest and engage an audience.

#3 Connect and learn from others from around the world.

Social is where the conversation is.

It's where our customers, peers, and industry experts feel free to share knowledge and opinions. I've had the opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds all over the world. The people I've connected with are open to sharing knowledge, and we learn a lot from each other.

Connecting online allows me to be a part of the conversation, and in the process, I gain valuable insights and stay on top of emerging trends and technologies.

#4 Understand how a social media platform works.

One of the first things taught by digital creators is that you need to choose, focus and master one platform first.

As marketers, we work and communicate on multiple social media platforms, and it can be challenging to have a deeper understanding of each platform. My favourite platform is X. After writing on X for over ten years, I understand how X works better than other social media networks.

#5 Opportunity to learn using tech tools.

I've noticed that digital creators are quick to adopt the latest tech tools.

When ChatGPT was a hot topic, digital writers Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush were quick to pick it up, and within less than a month, they created a ChatGPT module in their existing Ship 30 for 30-course agenda. Creating online will push you to explore the latest tech tools to help create content more effectively and efficiently.

#6 Share what you learn

There's value in documenting and sharing what you learn online.

It's the best way to archive what you've learned and achieve in the pursuit of knowledge, but it can also be valuable to others who are on the same journey as you. A great example of someone sharing their journey is Louise Pereira. While not a marketer, Louise has been sharing his journey creating web apps and digital products such as Nicheless and Audiopen.

Sharing his journey is valuable to those who may have the same interest of building web apps and digital products. Similarly, as marketers, we should share what we know so that we can help others in the marketing community to advance themselves.

#7 Explore the potential of establishing your brand online.

The evolving social media landscape, which helped shape the creator economy, has also given CMOs opportunities to become influencers and advocates of the brands they work for.

Amanda Natividad, VP of SparkToro, consistently writes on Twitter and LinkedIn to build her brand by voicing her unique point of view while advocating for SparkToro.

Other marketers who use social media to maximize their personal and company brand reach and engagements are Aline Santos from Unilever and Bozoma Saint John, previously from Netflix.

Exploring digital creation allows marketers to establish their presence online, share their thoughts and opinions. It's also a great way to create a library of content for easy reference on what you've learned and achieved.

Edit: I recently stumbled upon Nicolas Cole's YouTube video on 5 Reasons Why You Should Write Online and am sharing it here for reference as I think its a great addition to why I think professionals and not just marketers, should start writing online.

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